Martijn Meima

Martijn Meima is a business intuition expert in Europe. He has a degree in Management and organisation and combines this business knowledge and experience with more intuitive approaches like (business) constellations, energy work, and intuition. He was trained in family and business constellations in 2008 and has facilitated constellations for more than 1,000 entrepreneurs since. In 2014, he started teaching others the excellent craft of business constellations. He coaches entrepreneurs and gives online and in-person workshops and training about effortless entrepreneurship in the Netherlands and internationally. 

Martijn is the author of The Effortless Entrepreneur, which is available in Dutch and English and is being translated into Korean and Turkish.

 His workshops are very experiential and always full of energy and depth. 

Learn more about Martijn on his website,, and download the 3 Business Intuition Tools to Boost Your Business:

A Systemic Approach To Business Success

In these fast changing times, running a business can be challenging at times. For Entrepreneurs, business owners, and self employed people this might be overwhelming and can give you an idea of not being in control.
Martijn Meima is the business intuition expert from the Netherlands and with his combination of business knowledge and systemic and intuitive wisdom, he guides you in finding new effective ways to run your business.
By using the power of the undercurrent, that what is not visible but has an enormous effect on your business, you can sail the stormy seas with ease.
 During this workshop, Martijn will share his more than 20 years of experience as an intuitive and systemic business coach and consultant. You will be invited to connect with the systemic undercurrent in your company and find answers to your business questions.
The workshop will very experiential as Martijn will guide you through some business constellation formats that really shine a different light on some of the issues you are facing.
Martijn's workshops are always full of energy and deep. He likes to use humor and has a gift for holding the space for everything to happen.
After this workshop you will have: 
·      been inspired to use more than just your rational mind to run your business,
·      experienced some systemic 'tools' that you can use in your business,
·      have created movement in one or two business issues that were stuck